Turag river front

Urban regeneration

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The river Turag is a dead river bounding the city of Dhaka. An extensive study was done on the current situation of the river bank with respect to ecology, structures, activities and transportation infrastructures within the premises of an allocated site.

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An existing fish market is revived and transformed to a recreational fish bazaar plus restaurants. A school along the edge of the river is reformed to face the river and many other activities are introduced along the ghat to rebuild the community’s relationship with the waters. New attractive form for an existing hospital by the edge is proposed such that it can generate an identity for the city by the river and provide breathable spaces for the hospital visitors. Canalside restaurants, garden zones, and parks are introduced. Most importantly, the ground floors of the buildings adjacent to the water are activated by opening them up.

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Studio: 4th year - 1st semester

Project duration: 12 weeks


  • - Huraera Jabin (ext.huraera.jabeen@bracu.ac.bd)
  • - Iftekhar Ahmed, Phd (iftekhar.ahmed@bracu.ac.bd)

Group mates: Yukiko Kunimoto, Sampurna Das

Presentation tools: Hand Drafted, Autocad, Photoshop