Good Practices in RMG Factory Design Guidance

Random imageFigure: Book cover.
Random imageFigure: Journey of RMG factories in Bangladesh. (Book page)
Random imageFigure: Data for RMG exports. (Book page)
Random imageFigure: RMG exports. (Book page)

As a part of the team, I was involved in generating prototypical planning schemes and illustrations. The book cover was designed by me. Besides, I prepared the exhibition panels and took care of the set up.

A guidance manual for ready-made garment factories in Bangladesh, the book presents examples of planning schemas for medium and large-scale factories in a a collaboration between the Bengal Institute for Architecture, Landscapes and Settlements (BIALS) and the International Labor Organization (ILO)

A team of professional architects, engineers, environmental and policy experts have contributed to analyzing current challenges in RMG sector, and approaching them with design and planning options. The document prioritizes workers’ welfare and owners’ expectations by articulating the optimum utilization of factory space as well as a healthy work environment for workers. A clearer picture of national and international legislative regulations, recommendations and guidelines for a safe work environment in the ready-made garment sector has been assembled for easier access and understanding.(excerpt from )